

Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. 

IoT has been an increasing popular term over the last few years, whereas it seemed a sci-fi nerdy dream and great plot for a movie at first, it's now everywhere around us and still growing. Chances are that it's the best next step for your organization at this point to implement more IoT.

It is clear that IoT is the present and the future of technology. Either, if you have none, few or some experience with electronics and you want to develop it projects this course will give you the necessary kick start to start creating amazing devices capable of sensing, controlling physical signals. This course introduces it using Arduino and ESP boards.

Objectives and target group

Who should attend? 

  • Anyone who is interested in learning about new technologies.
  • anyone who is interested in IoT
  • Anyone that works in or is interested in the home and workplace environments that are impacted by IoT.
  • People looking to develop smart, connected devices.
  • Students , developers and technical designers

How attendees will benefit? 

After completion of the course, delegates will be able to: 

  • Describe what IoT is and how it works today.
  • Describe the impact of IoT on society
  • Recognise the factors that contributed to the emergence of IoT.
  • Design and program IoT devices.
  • Use real IoT protocols for communication.
  • Secure the elements of an IoT device.
  • Design an IoT device to work with a Cloud Computing infrastructure.
  • Transfer IoT data to the cloud and in between cloud providers.
  • Define the infrastructure for supporting IoT deployments.
  • Describe the interaction between software and hardware in an IoT device

Course Content

  • Introduction to IoT.
  • Software Analysis and Tooling.
  • Basic Networking.
  • Communication Protocols.
  • IoT Protocols:
  • Communicate Using Wired Connections.
    Communicate Using Wireless Connections.
     Communicate Using Internet Protocols.
  • System Programming and OS Dependencies.
  • Use a Software Development Kit to Program an IoT Device.
  • Cloud Computing Services.
  • Cloud and IoT Integration
  • IoT Data and the Cloud
  •  Process IoT Device Input and Output
     Process Data in the Cloud
    Provide M2M Communication
  • Cloud Evolution
  • Identify IoT Security and Privacy Risks
  • Manage IoT Security and Privacy Risks
  • Manage IoT Safety Risks
  •  Identify Real World Applications for IoT
  •  Follow the IoT Development Lifecycle

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£4200 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3360 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2604 / Member

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£4200 £4200
