
A Practical Guide to Hydrogen and Carbon Capture & Storage Technology


The Hydrogen and Carbon Capture and Storage Technology -CCS- course will give the trainee a clearly explained and independent perspective on how, where and why CCS is happening now and could grow in future – covering the range of technological solutions and business drivers, including policy.

In addition to reviewing existing CCS approaches, the course will highlight new opportunities and integrated value creation possibilities through emerging carbon utilization options. This will include how the fate of carbon capture links to other aspects of the clean energy transition, such as clean hydrogen production, industrial decarbonization and the transition away from oil & gas.

Objectives and target group

Who should attend? 

  • Energy engineers
  • Personnel working in energy sector

Knowledge and Benefits:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:

  • How to protect the atmosphere with the technology of Carbon Capture and Storage, often called CCS, from an excess of carbon dioxide
  • The fundamental drivers to make fossil fuels ‘safe to use’ in the context of the Paris Climate Change agreement of 2015
  • Key sectors of the global economy where CCS can contribute to deep reductions in emissions
  • The uniqueness of CCS to complement other low-carbon technologies
  • How CCS can unlock carbon negative solutions, which will need to be used before mid-century
  • The principles of the technologies currently used to stop carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere,
  • The key elements of geology for permanently, and safely, disposing of carbon dioxide underground

Course Content

Climate Drivers

  • Introduction to the Course
  • Global Warming
  • The Carbon Budget of our Atmosphere
  • CCS in a Nutshell
  • Carbon Neutrality
  • Conclusions and Graded Test

CCS Across the Whole Economy

  • At what stage is CCS?
  • Heavy Industries and Manufacturing
  • Decarbonizing Global Energy
  • Hydrogen
  • Electricity

Capturing Carbon

  • Combustion
  • Post-Combustion Capture
  • Capture by Oxyfuel Combustion
  • Pre-Combustion Capture
  • Carbon Dioxide Utilization
  • Carbon Negative Technologies

Geological Carbon Storage

  • The Transport of Carbon Dioxide
  • Why Geological Storage?
  • Rocks for Geological Carbon Storage
  • Reservoirs, Seals and Traps
  • Storage in Aquifers and Depleted Oil Fields
  • Trapping the Carbon Dioxide
  • Leakage and Monitoring

Future Prospects

  • Global Storage Capacity
  • CO2 Pollution and Waste Disposal
  • Future Developments
  • A Global Industry

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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